VR screenings. Climate Change festival/ Action Aid/ UNESCO
VR screenings. Climate Change festival/ Action Aid/ UNESCO
Barcelonatalk about our VR concept Bioshere VR. www.biospherevr.com
Two VR talks at National Science week (in Danish). Follow two scientists from the University of Copenhagen as they travel virtually into their country of knowledge as they discuss how climate change is affecting the country that they are experts on.
Africa - Morocco and Ethiopia (PhD Stig Andersen). See event here
Pacific country of Kiribati (PhD Maria Louise Bønnelykke). See event here
SAVING MY OASIS is screened in comp in Barcelona. Robert Fox will give a talk plus a retrospective screening.
Read article in Modern Times
World Premiere of the two new VR-experiences HOT COFFEE IN ETHIOPIA and SAVING MY OASIS , NOV 2-5. Will be televised on Oculus TV